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On the line with our support staff?

Remote Support

Emergency Support

We provide emergency support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Please follow these directions to get the fastest response to your issue.

Option 1 for Customer Service & Technical Support


Option 2 for Emergency Technical Support

An emergency is any issue that prevents you from performing a task critical to your daily operation.

Our phone response time for emergencies is within 30 minutes of notification.

Non-Emergency Support

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM
Excludes Holidays

Technical Support

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3

Request Support

To request non-emergency support, fill out the form on this page.

If you prefer email, you can send your request to

Once we receive your request one of our support technicians will get in touch with you to resolve your issue.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be able to speak with a live person when I call your office?
We provide live technical support during business hours. However, if we feel our hold times are too long or you do not wish to hold, you will have an option to leave a voicemail. We will return your call within 4 business hours and usually much sooner than that.
Do I need to be a customer of record in order to receive support from you?

We are not an ambulance service. Integrity values the ongoing relationship between the customer and ourselves. Much in the way a dentist or physician provides an initial consultation with a new patient, we do the same. If your initial reason for calling is because of an urgent or emergent need, we will attempt to provide a working solution and schedule an onsite evaluation to determine if there is a mutual desire to enter in a long-term relationship.

What information do you need when I call?

As a customer of Integrity, we are knowledgeable about your overall infrastructure. When you are calling, however, it is helpful for you to provide the following information:

  • Your name and role
  • What is the problem you are experiencing
  • Where is the problem occurring (physical location & device identification)
  • What is the severity and impact to the office (how many users does this affect and is this a nuisance or a critical issue)
  • Have any recent changes occurred in the office


If you provide technology support, do I still need to purchase support contracts for all my software and hardware?

Our recommendation is that you retain support contracts with all in-use software and hardware solutions. This will allow you to receive all necessary updates and will allow us to troubleshoot more specific issues with the manufacturer on your behalf should the need arise.

Is it possible to remote connect to my office from home?

Absolutely! There are a variety of solutions in the marketplace that will allow remote connections from your home or remote location(s) to your office. Of critical importance is finding a solution that is reliable and secure and HIPAA compliant. Contact us to see how we can help.

What should I be doing with my computer when I leave the office?

So this is a choice. Many customers will shut down their workstations when they leave for the day. If there is a need to backup data or remote connect after hours, those pertinent workstations should be left powered on. Servers are classically not turned off. Integrity recommends that if you do not power down your workstations, that you at least reboot them at least once a week. Servers should also be rebooted every 30 days. It is important to login to a server after reboot, to properly start all necessary services. If you are not comfortable with this process or do not have the time, Integrity does provide this as a service.